

學名:Allophylus timorensis (DC.) Blume

英名:Timor Allophylus


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub, native to Taiwan, the Philippines, the Pacific Islands, Malaysia, etc. Taiwan distribution concentrates in Hengchun Peninsula and Dongsha Island. The plant height is 2~5m, with notable lenticels on the branchlets. Alternate tripinnately compound leaves in elliptic or ovate shape, papery, smooth on both sides, coarsely serrated or wavy on the edge. Dioecious or polygamous flowers with axillary conical racemes, flowers small, green or pale white. The fruit is a spherical drupe which turns from green to yellow and ripe red.

栽培 Cultivation


It favors high temperature, moist and sunny environments and is not tolerant to replantation and coldness. A great shrub for littoral areas, as it’s tolerant to salt as well as resistant to strong wind and drought. Propagated mainly by seeding.

應用 Application


A native plant to littoral areas, it’s a great tree species for windbreak and sand fixation. The fruits turn crimson and lovely when mature, it can be planted in a garden for ornament or as bird food for ecological purpose.