

學名:Cinnamomum reticulatum Hayata

英名:Reticulate-Veined Cinnamon Tree、Taiwan Camphor Tree


簡介 Description


An evergreen small tree in the genus Cinnamomum, endemic to Taiwan, native to the low-altitude forest and coastal area of the Hengchun Peninsula. The plant grows 3 to 7 m tall. The leaves are leathery and glabrous, obovate or elliptic, mostly opposite or nearly opposite, and alternate in some cases. Young stems are bright red. The leaf surface is glossy and green while the underside appears dull and grayish green. Axillary cyme, flowers are small and yellowish green. The oval fruits turn from green to purple-black when mature.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun and warm environments. Well-drained and sandy loam with rich humus is recommended. The plant is tolerant to wind and pruning, suitable to be trimmed into topiary trees. Reproduced by seeding, air layering and cuttings.

應用 Application


The plant produces glossy and neat-looking leaves as well as reddish leaflets. After trimming, it can be used as a feature tree in garden, a topiary tree, a hedgerow, a street tree, as well as for greenification in littoral and industrial areas. The timber can be used as building materials.