

學名:Endiandra coriacea Merr.

英名:Botel Tobago Endiandra、Orchid Island Machilus


簡介 Description


An evergreen large tree in the genus Endiandra, native to Orchid Island in Taiwan and the northern jungle of the Philippines. The plant has buttress roots. The new stems are red and villous. The leaves are alternate, long elliptical or obovate and leathery. The flowers are small and white, axillary or terminal racemes. The plant is named after the fact that each flower has only 3 fertilizable stamens. Fruit are oval, from green to purple black when mature. Fruiting in September. The wild population in Orchid Island are seriously endangered and need preservation efforts.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant favors full-sun and warm environments, the saplings are slightly shade-tolerant. Sandy loam containing rich humus and well-drained is preferred. Propagated by seeding, air layering or cuttings.

應用 Application


New leaves are yellow-green or tinged pink, and emit fresh and pleasant feel in spring. With elegant tree shape, it’s suitable for use as garden landscape trees or street trees. The fact that its flower structure is different from other plants in the same genus which can be applied in educational activities of natural observation.