

學名:Mahonia japonica (Thunb.) DC.

英名:Japanese Mahonia


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Mahonia and native to the middle and high-altitude mountains of Taiwan. The plant reaches 1.5m tall with new shoots sprouting from the basal. Each odd-pinnate compound leaf usually grows four to six pairs of elliptic leaflets with sharp serrations on the edge. Yellow flowers are borne on axillary raceme and fruits turn purple with white powder. Flowering from winter to spring and fruiting from spring to early summer.

栽培 Cultivation


Grown in warm to cool environment with full-sun or partial shade as well as under shades of trees. The plant is slightly drought tolerant and requires watering only when medium soil dries. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once every season. Aging branches must be cut off from the basal. Be careful on sharp thorns when trimming leaves. Propagated by seeding and division.

應用 Application


The whole plant, including flowers, fruits and leaves, is ornamental; often planted in Japanese-style gardens. The hard and spiny foliage make it an excellent barrier hedgerow. The foliage could be processed into traditional medicinal herbs and so it’s also called "leaves of merit."