

學名:Phoenix dactylifera L.

英名:Date Palm、Date

特色簡介 Feature Description


Native to northeastern Africa to Central Asia, Date Palm is an important plant in Christianity, Islam and Arab culture. People began growing Date Palm in the 6th millennium BC. The fruit of Date Palm is commonly known as Dates on the market which is very sweet and provides sufficient calories. In addition to being rich in iron and dietary fiber, it can also be used to make sugar and wine. The leaves can be used to weave, decorate temples or cover the roof. It’s the iconic plant printed on the national emblem of Saudi Arabia. It can also serve as shade, windbreaker and landscaping plant in the desert.

簡介 Description


An evergreen tree of the genus Phoenix, native to Northeast Africa to Central Asia, and commonly cultivated in tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Tree height up to 20 m, canopy span 6-10 m. Leaves 4-6 m long; petiole spiny; leaflet sword-shaped approx. 150 pieces, 30 cm long and 2 cm wide. Dioecious, flowers tiny and fruit oblong.

栽培 Cultivation


This plants thrive in full sun and airy conditions; alkaline medium with good drainage preferred. Water the soil when it’s dry and apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Remove drooping old leaves. It usually takes at least 5 years from sowing to flowering, and pollination is required for fruiting.

應用 Application


It’s an important fruit food in the Middle East with a history of 7,000 years of artificial cultivation. It is greatly significant in both Islam and Christian religion and indispensable for the historical and cultural development. The fruits can be eaten fresh or dried, and is called ‘date’; it’s highly sugary, used to make sugar or vinegar after fermentation. The sap of the pedicel can be used to make wine while the leaves can be woven into daily necessities or covering of the roof.