

學名:Euphorbia grandicornis Goebel ex N.E.Br.

英名:Zig Zag Cactus、Rhino Thorn、Big Horn、Cow's Horn Euphorbia

簡介 Description


A succulent shrub of the genus Euphorbia, native to East Africa and eastern South Africa. Plant height 1.5 m, width 1 m. Stem with 3 white ribs, epidermis pale green, 10 cm in diameter, irregularly zig-zag shaped, rib margin wavy and bending. Fork-shaped rigid spines, 3-7 cm long. Cyathium yellow-green, blooming on the top of the ribs.

栽培 Cultivation


The plants thrive in full sun and airy conditions. With strong root, it suits to almost all types of medium but requires planting sites sheltered from wind and supported by stakes to avoid being blown down and broken by strong wind; furthermore, strong wind will also shake the stems to stab each other and cause scars to affect the appearance. As a summer grower, the species requires watering when the soil appears dry, and reducing water use when it stops growing in winter.

應用 Application


The thin and bony plant poses an unusual style, suitable to be planted alone to exhibit the posture, or mixed with other succulents as a background setting. Beware of the long and hard spines when handling them.