

學名:Pilosocereus pachycladus F. Ritter

英名:Blue Columnar Cactus

簡介 Description


A tree-shaped cactus of the genus Pilosocereus, native to Brazil. It reaches 1 - 10 m tall, and often bifurcates from the base; stem 5 - 10 cm in diameter, outer bluish green to sky blue, covered with white powder, 5 - 19 ridges. The areoles bear 1 - 2 central spines and 8 - 18 radials. Cotton wool grown in the flowering area is particularly well-developed. Flowers white, 2 - 4.5 cm in diameter. Bloom in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


It grows well under full sunlight and ventilation; sufficient sunlight will make the stem color more distinctive. Plant in well-draining, breathable and slightly acidic soil to avoid root rotting. A summer grower, water once the soil appears dry and control water use when it’s dormant in winters.

應用 Application


It’s well-known for the blue-colored stem which emits a fascinating blue luster under strong sunlight and large temperature differences. Suitable to plant along in pots, clustered planting is more ornamental. For open field cultivation,do not in places with poor air quality, like roadsides, so as not to stain the cotton wool and outer skin with pollutants.