

學名:Agave kerchovei Lem. var. pectinata


簡介 Description


An agave perennial herb, native to Mexico. It’s a variegated variant of Agave kerchovei, 40 cm high and 60 cm in diameter. Fleshy leaves arranged in a rosette. Leaves sword-shaped to lanceolate, slightly concaved in the middle, stiff and ductile in texture, with brown hard spines on the tip; wavy margin with brown thorns. The eye-catching variegated variants are decorated with 3-color stripes on the leaves; yellow-green in the middle, surrounded by dark green stripes, and light yellow near the margin.

栽培 Cultivation


The species thrives in full sun and airy conditions. Don’t expose the plant to strong sunlight during high summers to avoid signs of sun scorch such as sunburn. Better planted in draining and breathable soil to avoid rotten roots. The plant goes hibernation and grows slowly in winter, advised to move it to a bright indoor location and control watering. Adult plants often produce lateral buds that can be reproduced separately.

應用 Application


It’s a small-to medium-sized agave with stunning colors, often cultivated as an accent plant in garden landscape, also suitable for potted planting. With a wide range of streak marking patterns, the species is highly appealing to enthusiasts to collect.