

學名:Parodia tabularis (F. Cels ex Rumpler) D.R. Hunt

簡介 Description


A Parodia succulent plant, native to Brazil and Uruguay. Stem solitary, oblate spheroid to short columnar, blue-green epidermis, 10-15 cm high, 8-10 cm in diameter, 16-18 ribs. Areoles are white and bear 3 to 4 white central spines, slightly bending and intersecting, 1.2 cm long, red-brown at the apex; 12 to 18 radials, same as the centrals in length. Flowers yellow, 4 – 6 cm in diameter, with distinctive red stamens. Flower in spring.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well under full-sun and ventilated conditions. Sufficient sun exposure can promote flowering, however, exposure in high summer may cause signs of scorch, such as sunburn. Advised to plant in draining and breathable soil to avoid root rotting. The plant goes dormant in winter and grows slowly, advised to move it to a bright indoor and control watering. Frostbites will occur and affect the growth if the temperature is below 10°C

應用 Application


This cactus blooms frequently and is a floral ornamental valued for the large flowers, usually planted alone in pots, or in clusters to enjoy the abundant flowering when blooming.