

學名:Eurya chinensis R.Br.

英名:Chinese Eurya


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or small tree in the genus Eurya, native to the subtropical to tropical climate regions of East Asia, and commonly grown in the low and middle altitude mountains of Taiwan. Plant height 3m, twigs and sprouts coated with fine hairs. Leaves alternate elliptic or obovate-lanceolate, smooth on the surface; hairy on the underside when young; margins serrated. Dioecious, 1~4 flowers clustered in leaf axils, white and fragrant. Fruit purple and round.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant thrives in partial-sun or full-sun conditions, as well as highly-moist or slightly-dry environments. Well-drained medium preferably. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once a season and water only when the medium slightly dries. Propagated by cutting, seeding or air layering.

應用 Application


The plant bears brightly green leaves which presents a sparse and graceful posture, suitable to be planted as hedgerows after proper pruning and shaping or planted in shady areas such as building walls or atriums. It is also developed as a bonsai material, and commercially named “broken rice tea” or “cuimi tea” in the market. The abundant and fragrant flowers are an important nectar source. The fruits can be used to lure birds.