

學名:Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sw.

英名:Four-Season Orchid, Golden-Thread Orchid


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Cymbidium, widely distributed from temperate, subtropical to tropical zones in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and also in Taiwan. A terrestrial orchid, plant height 20~40cm. Underground pseudocorms egg-shaped, each bulb with 2-6 strap-like leaves, 30-60cm long and 1~2.5cm wide. Raceme upright, 20~35cm long, each with 3~13 flowers, 3 calyx petals and 3 petals, calyx petals larger than the petals, flower white-green to pink, fragrant. Blooming irregularly throughout the year.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant thrives in warm and partial-sun conditions. Mix tree fern fiber with bark, sphagnum moss, mulch and peat soil, gravel and other materials to achieve good drainage and root aeration. Water only when the medium dries, apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once a season. Propagated by division.

應用 Application


It’s also known as “Four-Season Orchid” because it blooms many times a year, which makes it a popular ornamental plant. Horticultural growers breed many varieties with variegated flowers and leaves and grow in deep containers indoors to simulate the traditional Chinese literati life style.