

學名:kohleria hybrid

英名: kohleria


簡介 Description


An evergreen perennial or perennial root herb in the genus Kohleria, native to Central America to South America, with about 19 native species. In recent years, many cultivars have been developed, and it becomes one of the emerging plants which brings a lot of fun for cultivation. Plant height 30~60cm, hairy, caterpillar-like underground rhizomes with scales on the leaf surface. Stem erects on the ground. Leaves opposite, lanceolate to ovate, 6-15cm long and 5-8cm wide. Tubular flower 3~4cm long and corolla 2~4cm in diameter, colored orange, red, fuchsia pink and etc., with dark markings. Flowering throughout the year.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant does best in partial-sun or full-sun and warm environments, some varieties are dormant in cold period and overwinter with the underground stems. Well-drained culture soil preferred. Avoid waterlogging in the roots, water only when the medium is dry. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once every season from spring to autumn. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


Because of their colorful and exotically patterned flowers, the plant offers fun of cultivation and appreciation. Mainly used as planters, also planted in clusters in wind sheltered areas as ground cover. The flowers emerged on the upright stems provide fun to appreciate closely.