

學名:Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl

英名:House Holly-Fern、Japanese Holly Fern


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Cyrtomium, native to temperate to subtropical climate zones in East Asia, also on the coast and arid environments of low and medium altitude mountains in Taiwan. A terrestrial fern. Rhizome erect and short, with dark brown scales. Fronds clustered, unipennate compound, lateral pinnate sickle-shaped, entire or irregularly serrated. Sori borne on the top of free veins, indusium round.

栽培 Cultivation


The ferns thrives in full-sun or partial-sun and cold environments. The sturdy fern can tolerate heat and cold, drought and barrenness. Use well-drained sandy loam or culture soil for plant. Water only when the medium appears dry to avoid waterlogging the root system. Applied with a slow-release compound fertilizer for the young plants once a season, and adult ones do not require fertilization. Propagated from seeds.

應用 Application


The plant is grown for the elegant blades and glossy pinnules, suitable to be planted in coastal areas for greening purposes, or densely planted as ground cover in yards which require minimal care. The young ones can be planted in a small pot or as a material of mixed planters. Be careful with the thorny pinnae when handling the plant. The stem can substitute Cyrtomium fortunei in medicinal applications such as clearing away heat, detoxifying, astringent, hemostasis and repelling parasites.