

學名:Episcia hybrida

英名:Episcia、Flame Violet

簡介 Description

喜蔭花屬多年生草本,原產中美洲巴拿馬至南美洲巴西的熱帶地區。原生種大約8種,園藝栽培大多以銅葉喜蔭花 Episcia cupreata親本的雜交種。全株有毛。有短莖與匍匐走莖。對生橢圓形葉,長8~1cm、寬5~10cm。葉緣鈍圓鋸齒。葉色紅褐色或綠褐色,有銀色或紫紅色紋路。花自葉腋伸出,歪漏斗形,花色橘紅,亦有桃紅 、粉紅、白色等品種,花徑約2~3㎝,開花期夏秋季。

A perennial herb in the genus Episcia, native to tropical areas from Panama in Central America to Brazil in South America. There are 8 native species, and most of the horticultural cultivars are hybrids of Episcia cupreata. The whole plant is hairy, with short stems and stolons. Leaves opposite, oval-shaped, 8~1cm long and 5-10cm wide, margin crenate, colored reddish brown or greenish brown, with silver or purple red markings. Flowers extending from the leaf axils, crooked funnel-shaped, 2-3 cm in diameter, mostly orange-red and also some varieties with fuchsia, pink, white flowers. Flowering from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The moisture-loving plant is not hardy and does best in partial-sun and warm environments. Use well-drained culture soil for planting and water once the soil looks slightly dry. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once a season. Propagated mainly from cuttings and stolon layering.

應用 Application


The short plant can be densely grown on the ground to bright up a dim space with the striking silver markings which makes it an excellent ground cover plant for shady areas. It can also be planted in a hanging basket or grown on vertical gardens. With high tolerance to shade, it can bloom indoors when provided with supplementary lighting.