

學名:Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars) Lindl.

英名:Forest-Dwelling Calanthe


簡介 Description

根節蘭屬宿根性草本,廣布非洲、亞洲熱帶及亞熱帶氣候區,臺灣低、海拔山區亦有分佈。地下有叢生假球莖,狹長橢圓形至長卵形葉,葉緣有波紋。總狀花序,花徑約3cm,唇瓣3 深裂,中裂片再深裂為2,花後有距,長可達2.5cm,花紫至淺粉紫色,近凋謝時轉為淺橘色或黃白色,開花期夏季。

A perennial herb in the genus Calanthe, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical climate zones in Africa, Asia, as well as in low- and high-altitude mountains in Taiwan. Underground pseudocorms clumped, leaves elongated oval to ovate oval with undulated margins. Racemes, each inflorescence bears 30-80 flowers, about 3cm in diameter. The labellum has 3 lobes and the middle one is deeply lobed into two. Spurs borne on the back of flowers, 2.5 cm long, purple to pinkish purple, turning light orange or yellowish white with age, blooming in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


The terrestrial orchid thrives in a warm and partial-sun environment and prefers media such as loam mixed with mulch and peat soil to increase organic matter. Water once the soil slightly dries. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once in spring and autumn. Propagated by division.

應用 Application


The wild orchids is grown for its ornamental flowers and long flowering seasons, suitable to grow in shady places, such as sparse tree shades or in the atrium of buildings. When it blooms in summer, the blossoms can brighten up dim spaces with a lively and natural touch.