

學名:Philodendron tortum M.L.Soares & Mayo

簡介 Description


An evergreen perennial vine herb in the genus Philodendron, native to Brazil and Bolivia. The vine climbs and grows by affixing the well-developed aerial roots on supporting structures. Leaves elliptical, pinnately deep-lobed, 40-60cm long, 50-60cm wide, and lobes 2-4cm wide. Tender leaves are red and turn to light green to dark green when mature. Blade surface uneven, often curved or even curled. Spathe light green and gourd-shaped. Flowers are seldom produced in horticultural cultivation.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers warm and partial-sun environments and needs to be acclimated to prevent sunburn if cultivated in full-sun positions. Well-drained sandy loam or culture soil is preferred, but hydroponic cultivation is also an option. Water once the medium is dry. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once in spring. Propagated from cuttings.

應用 Application


The peculiar leaf shape resembles that of cycad and coconut plants. It’s a fun and fresh addition to convert the style of the existing indoor planters. Suitable for single planting, use plain-colored containers to accentuate the blade texture.