

學名:Rhapis excelsa (Thunb.) Henry 'Variegata'

英名:Variegated Lady Palms


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Rhapis, native to southwest and south China. This is a cultivar producing yellow, white and yellow-green stripes on the leaves. Stems clumped and noded, with reticulated fibers divided from the leaf sheath in the upper part, stolons underground. Leaves with deep palmate lobes unequal in length and width. Dioecious, flowers tiny and yellow. Fruits obovate-shaped and pale yellow when mature. Flowering in summer and fruiting in autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


It grows in partial sun or full sun and warm environments and thrives in humid locations near buildings or tree shades. It requires medium with good drainage and long-active compound fertilizers once every season. Trim off withered leaves and overdense branches whenever needed and remove the old stems entirely. Propagated from seeds or ramets.

應用 Application


With densely green and shiny foliage, it’s suitable for individual planting to display the elegant posture or planted in rows in garden shades. Highly shade-tolerant, it’s a great potted houseplant for indoor greening. The cuttings of leaves and petioles are used as material of floral art. The old stems are tough enough to make crutches, which gives rise to the Taiwanese alias.