

學名:Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex André

英名:Anthurium、Flaming Plant、Flaming Lily


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Anthurium, native to Colombia and Ecuador. Stems short; leaves leathery, shield-like, leaf base heart-shaped, margin entire, petiole stiff and slender. Flowers axillary, flower stems elongated and usually higher than the blade; buds shaped heart, spoon or diamond, mostly red and also other varieties in pink, purple, white, and variegated colors; spadix yellow and stick-shaped. The viewing period of bract lasts for one month.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in partial sun, warm and wet environments as well as in loose, breathable medium rich in organic matter. Water regularly to keep the medium moist at all times and apply liquid flowering fertilizer once a month in hot seasons. It’s also suitable for hydroponic cultivation. Propagated by cuttings or ramets.

應用 Application


It’s a versatile cut flower material used for various floral designs. They are shade-tolerant and suitably planted in shades of gardens or as a groundcover. They can also be planted in different size of pots for the use of indoor greening.