

學名:Plumeria pudica Jacq.

英名:White Frangipani、Bridal Bouquet


簡介 Description


An evergreen or deciduous shrub in the genus Plumeria, native to Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. Plant height 1.5-4 m, stem erect, shoots green, bark of mature branches gray, and the whole plant smooth. The leaves of the lower part of branch fall early and the remaining form clusters on the upper part. Blade long and narrow, 20-30 cm long, widened near the tip and shaped heart-like, apex acute. Each inflorescence consists of 10-20 flowers, protruding from the branch tip. Flowers white with a yellow throat, bearing 5 broad and overlapping petals.

栽培 Cultivation


It prefers growing in full-sun environment; it also manages to grow in partial sun, but with less leaves and flowers. It doesn’t like waterlogging in the root system, so well-drained medium is preferred. Moderately drought-tolerant, water only when the medium dries. Apply long-active fertilizers once in a season. Propagated by cuttings, grafting, air layering and seeds; cuttings are the main method by cutting the healthy mature branches about 30-50 cm long, which can be done throughout the year

應用 Application


The plant grows rapidly and matures early; it produces flowers when reaching at a height of 1.5 m. They can be planted in a container of 2-3 feet wide or in a well-drained location in gardens. This is an original variety producing stunning flowers and foliage; the flowers are large and showy, highly valued in the use of breeding.