

學名:Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L.

英名:Seagrape、Baygrape、Sea Grape Tree


簡介 Description


A Coccoloba deciduous tree or shrub and evergreen in tropical regions. Native to the coast and islands of southern America to Central America near the Caribbean Sea. Tree height up to 8 m. Leaves alternate, leathery, heart-shaped, 10-20 cm long and 12-24 cm wide. Veins conspicuous. Leaves deciduous in winter after turning red in autumn. Racemes extending from branch tips and leaf axils, dioecious, occasionally bisexual. Flowers white with 5-petals, about 0.4 cm across, lightly scented. Fruits triangular and surrounded by thickened petals, about 2 cm across, purple when mature. Flowering in summer, and fruiting from summer and autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


It suitably grows in warm and full-sun environments; tolerant to wind, drought and salt. Avoid waterlogging in the soils and apply long-active compound fertilizers once a season from spring to autumn to accelerate the growth. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

應用 Application


Featuring with wind-tolerant branches and leaves, they are commonly used to green the coastal areas, and can also be a potted houseplant placed at balconies or in gardens for appreciation. The fruit tastes sour and sweet, can be eaten raw or used to make jam, jelly and brew wine.