

學名:Ardisia elliptica Thunb.

英名:Shoebutton、Large Ardisia

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or tree in the genus Ardisia, widely distributed in the coastal areas of South Asia to Southeast Asia. Trunk erect and twigs red. Leaf apex obtuse, dark green to olive green above, and pale green below. Five pink or white petals. Berries oblate, colored fuchsia before mature, and ripe black. Flowering from spring to summer, and fruiting from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable for warm environment with full sun to partial sun; high humidity, sufficient water supply and fertile soil can accelerate the growth. Water when the medium dries, and apply long-active compound fertilizers once a season. With a uniformed tree shape, strong potential of germination, and tolerance to pruning, they can be trimmed into conical or spherical topiary shapes. Propagated by cutting or air layering.

應用 Application


Featuring with strong growth, erect trunk and dense foliage, it’s an excellent shrub or hedge plant. Tolerant to air pollution and heat, it’s a great plant to be used for median greening. The flowers can attract bees while the fruits are favorite food of birds, which is of ecological significance.