

學名:Echeveria runyonii Rose 'Topsy Turvy'

英名:Topsy Turvy Echeveria


簡介 Description


A perennial evergreen plant in the genus Echeveria, the parent plant is native to Mexico. This is a cultivar with outward-curling leaves. The spoon-shaped leaves are arranged in a rosette shape with a diameter about 10 cm. A thick layer of white powder attached to the leaf surface is to resist against strong sunlight.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun environments but grows better in cooler seasons - spring and autumn. Do not over expose plants to sunlight during summer; the leaf margin appears light pink with sufficient sunshine. Select well-drained and breathable medium for plantation as wet soil will cause roots rotting. It can be reproduced by top bud cutting, new shoots will develop at the bottom if growing well and could be cut off for replantation when they grow up to the size of a coin. The most common pest is scale insect, advised to remove the insects immediately with a brush or cutting off the branches and leaves once they are found.

應用 Application


Valued for the unique blade shape, it’s suitable for single pot planting or combination with other succulents. The whitish powder on the leaf surface will be scratched off if the leaves are touched, which requires attention during cultivation to maintain the appearance.