

學名:Cestrum nocturnum L.

英名:Night Blooming Jasmine、Night Scented Jessamine、Queen of the Night


簡介 Description


An evergreen or deciduous shrub in the genus Cestrum, native to the West Indies in Central America. Leaves alternate, ovate to lanceolate in shape. Cymes extending from branch tips and leaf axils. Flowers compotier-like, with 5 lobes in stellate shape; white-green to yellow-green in color, blooming at night and emitting a rich fragrance. Fruits oval. Flowering from spring to autumn, and fruiting in autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant suitably grows in full sun to partial sun, warm and humid environments. Adaptive to common loam soils, not drought-tolerant. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season in spring and autumn. Hard pruning can be performed in winter to control the shape and height, as well as to promote the growth of new shoots in the spring and flowering in the summer. Reproduced by cuttings or air layering.

應用 Application


Featuring with soft and climbing branches, they are often planted against walls to climb freely. They can also grow on rip raps, high flower platforms, or in pots to display the spreading branches and lovely flowers. Some people may feel unwell because of the rich fragrance, so it’s not suitable to be planted it in a closed and airless place.