

學名:Coffea arabica L.

英名:Arabian Coffee、Mountain Coffee、Arabica Coffee


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree or shrub in the genus Coffea, native to Ethiopia. Tree height 3-5 m, trunk erect and often growing from the base; lateral branches oblique or slightly drooping. Leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, leaf margin undulate. Several cymes clustered in leaf axil, each inflorescence consists of 2-5 flowers; corolla white, with 5 lobes and fragrant. Oval red berries are sweet and edible. Flowering from spring to summer and fruiting from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in partial sun to full sun environments; excessive sun exposure in summer may cause the leaves to turn yellow, so they need sheltered away from strong sunlight and wind. Fertile and well drained medium is preferred. Not drought-tolerant, water regularly to keep the medium moist at all times and apply long-active fertilizer once a season from spring to autumn. Mainly propagated from seeds.

應用 Application


The two seeds within the fruit are coffee beans, but they can be grown just for the green shiny foliage and the fragrant flowers. The fruits can attract birds, the pulp is edible when the fruits are mature, then the seeds can be roasted, grounded and brewed for drinking.