

學名:Mammillaria elongata DC. ‘Red’

英名:Ladyfinger Cactus、Gold Lace Cactus

簡介 Description


A succulent plant in the genus Mammillaria, native to Mexico. The plant can grow up to 15 cm high with stem 2~3cm in diameter, mostly branched from the base. There are verrucae on the stem and areoles on the top. With or without central spines; 15~20 prostrate radial spines. The spines are light yellow and dark yellow. This variety has distinctive reddish-brown spines. Flowers are white or light yellow and borne between verrucae, about 0.5cm diameter, flowering in spring.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full-sun or partial sun warm environments. The stem is soft so better sheltered from sun exposure and rain. Using mixed medium with coarse sand or small gravels in well-drained cultivated soil. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once in spring. Reproduced by ramets.

應用 Application


The plant shape is special and lovely, suitable for use as a single small potted plant, or together with other succulents and cacti. Buttress is optional to support the soft branches as they will sag when elongate in time. The cultivar has a wide variety of spine color and shape which is fun to collect and watch.