

學名:Phoenix loureiroi Kunth

英名:Mountain Date Palm、Vuyavuy Palm、Voyavoy Palm


簡介 Description

海棗屬常綠喬木,原產南亞,臺灣亦有分佈。株高7~8m,直徑20cn,幹上疣狀葉痕明顯。羽狀裂葉,4列線形小葉自總柄成直角;小葉先端銳尖,長30~40cm,寬約 3cm;總柄基部小葉刺狀。雌雄異株,肉穗花序,花黃色,花期3~6月。漿果長橢圓形,橙色後變為黑色;種子褐色。

An evergreen tree in the genus Phoenix, native to South Asia, and also found in Taiwan. Plant height 7-8m, 20cm across, with obvious wart-like leaf marks on the stem. Leaves pinnately lobed, 4 rows of linear leaflets rising vertically from the common petiole; leaflet apex acute, 30-40 cm long and 3 cm wide; leaflets spiny, grown on the base of common petiole. Dioecious, spadix, flowers yellow, flowering from March to June. Berries oblong-shaped, turning from orange to black when ripe; seeds brown.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in full sun and warm environments; saplings are slightly tolerant to both drought and dampness. Propagated from seeds or tillers.

應用 Application


With robust tree shape, it’s suitable to be planted individually as a feature tree or row-planted as street trees. The shoots and the piths are edible; the purple-black ripe fruits can be eaten fresh or pickled. Old leaves can be made into brooms, commonly known as " Kang-lang broom" in Chinese.