

學名:Arenga tremula (Blanco) Becc.

英名:Formosan Sugar Palm、Taiwan Sugarpalm、Areng、Arenga、Isabu


特色簡介 Feature Description


Formosan Sugar Palm is a native tree species commonly grown in low-altitude mountainous areas on the entire island of Taiwan, easy to spot along the hiking trails. The light orange flowers bloom in summer and emit rich fragrance which attracts various insects to collect nectar and pollen day and night. It produces a lot of red fruits and hence serves a granary for wild animals such as Taiwanese macaques and Masked palm civet. The tender pith is edible and the petiole can be squeezed into juice to decoct sugar, and the leaves can be made into brooms. The fiber at the petiole base can be made into handicrafts or small ornamental coir raincoats. It is a plant with significance of folk customs and ecological.

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Arenga, native to Taiwan, and also distributed in tropical Asia, southern Japan, and Ryukyu. Stems short and tufted, alternate leaves clustered at the stem base, oddly pinnate compound, petioles thick and angular, leaf sheath black and rich in fiber. Leaflets alternate, shaped linear, numerous, with irregularly sparse serration on the margin, dark green on the leaf surface and grayish white on the back. Monoecious, panicles consisting of spadix, corolla yellow or orange, richly fragrant, flowering from May to June. Drupe spherical or obovate, yellow to red and turning black when ripe.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in warm and moist valleys or foothills in full sun or semi-shade conditions. Reproduced from seeds or ramets.

應用 Application


Commonly planted as garden ornament trees. The leaf rachis can be used to make ropes; the palm fibers are materials for making brooms and brushes; the pinnae can be used to make brooms and thatch sheds. The flowers are a food source to insects. The petiole fluid can be used to make sugar.