

學名:Neodypsis decaryi Jumelle

英名:Triangle Palm


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Neodypsis, native to Madagascar. Trunk cylindrical. Leaves terminal, pinnate compound, growing upright and arched outward at the end. Pinnae arranged in 55 to 60 pairs, gray-green, erecting on the leaf axis; The leaf sheath located at the petiole base expands into three rows up and down, and vertically stacks on the stem to form a unique triangular shape; leaf base covered with brown trichomes. Monoecious flowers forming axillary spadix and much branched; flowers yellow-green, in a cluster of 3, a female flower in the center surrounded by two male ones. Flowering from July to September. Fruit ovoid, golden-yellow when mature; seeds oval.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in sunny and high-temperature environments; the saplings are more shade-tolerant. Hardy and drought-tolerant, Water the plant regularly to accelerate the growth. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Reproduced from seeds.

應用 Application


The plant can be garden ornament trees, street trees, etc. Seedlings sown from seeds could be enjoyed in mini pots. The leaves can be used for thatching; the edible fruits are a favorite food source to squirrels.