

學名:Heritiera littoralis Dryand.

英名:Looking Glass Tree、Looking-Glass Mangrove


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Heritiera, native to Taiwan and also found in China, Southeast Asia, India, Oceania, and the eastern coast of Africa. Distinct buttress roots grown in the roots of adult trees. Leaves alternate, leathery, long oval or obovately long oval in shape, densely covered with silver-white scales (hence it’s also known as silver-leaf tree in Chinese) and scattered brown scales on the leaf back. The leaves are red when young. Calyx bell-shaped with 4 to 5 lobes, densely hairy, without petals. Flowering from April to May. Fruit oblate, lignified and shiny; the keel-like protrusions on the abdominal suture are light in weight so they can be spread by seawater. Fruiting from June to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows normally in full sun and warm environments; resistant to wind, tolerant to salt and water-logging. It grows both in the intertidal zone and dry land. Mainly propagated from seeds, cuttings or by air layering.

應用 Application


The plant is often planted as garden ornament trees, street trees, coastal windbreaks. The hard wood is a good material for construction, shipbuilding and furniture-making. The seeds can be used as astringent to treat diarrhea; bark treats hematuria. The lovely fruits can be ornaments. The seeds can be pressed for oil.