

學名:Clausena excavata Burm.f.

英名:Pink Wampee


簡介 Description


A deciduous shrub or tree in the genus Clausena, native to southern provinces of China and the Indo-China Peninsula; also, some wild distribution in southern Taiwan. The foliage emits a special scent when it’s crushed. Alternate odd-pinnate compound leaves produce 15 to 30 alternate elliptical or sickle-shaped leaflets. Terminal panicles, flowers yellowish green flowers with 4 petals. Fruits are oval and ripe pink. Flowering from spring to summer, fruiting from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable for growing in full-sun, and well-drained soil. Apply long-active fertilizers once in the early plantation stage in spring and summer. Removing excessive defective branches in the crown. Propagated by seeding.

應用 Application


Suitable for planting as hedges or garden shrubs. The hard wood can be made into crutches and farming tool handles. The fruits taste great, but containing coumarin, consuming in appropriate amount is advised. Nursery growers often grow this plant or Murraya paniculataas as a host tree of sandalwood. The leaves are food of insect larvae such as Papilio demoleus and Papilio polytes.