

學名:Euphorbia lactea Haw.

英名:Mottled Candle Stick Tree、Milk Striped Euphorbia、Milkstripe Euphorbia、Frilled Fan、Elkhorn、African Milk Plant、False Cactus、Candle-Stick Tree、Caper Spurge、Candelabra Spurge、Dragon Bones、Dragoon Bones Tree、Mottled Spurge、Hatrack Cactus

簡介 Description


A Euphorbia succulent shrub, reach up to 5 m in height. Stem is erect and bifurcated, 5 to 7 cm in diameter, thick and fleshy, 3 to 4 ridges, surface smooth with white and gray-green marble-like patterns. It secretes white latex when wounded. Alternate oval leaves are briefly present on the tender stems. Spines are borne in pairs on the ridges, 0.2 - 0.6 cm in length. Yellow-green flowers, cultivars rarely flowering.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant favors full sun and good ventilation. It requires watering whenever the soil appears dry during warm growing periods. Soil with good drainage, like sandy loam or culture soil is preferred, a mix of materials such as coarse sand and fine stones can add weight to support the plant. When planting in open field, support the plant with stakes to protect soft stems from typhoons if required.

應用 Application


Cristation and monstrosus are the main cultivars in horticultural cultivation. They would be more ornamental when transformed to shapes of fans or mountains. Albino varieties with incandescent stems have also attracted much attention.