

學名:Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.

英名:Chinese Soapberry、Indian Soapberry、Soapberry、Soapnut


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Sapindus, native to subtropical and tropical regions from South Asia to East Asia. Alternative pinnate compound leaves with 5 to 8 pairs of long elliptical leaflets. Terminal panicles with 5 green petals. Longan-like fruits are yellowish brown and round with a diameter of 2 to 2.5 cm. Flowering in spring and fruiting in autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


full-sun or partial shade warm environment. The tree is tall so it’s better planted in locations with deep soil and open space. Slightly drought resistant so avoid waterlogged in the roots system. The plant germinates poorly, so it can’t survive frequent and hard pruning. Apply long-active fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn.

應用 Application


Foliage turn yellow in autumn and exhibits seasonal changing, suitable for use as a shade tree in gardens and as street tree. The light and soft wood can make into boxboards and utensils. In ancient China, people believed the sticks made from the wood could be used to in exorcism, so they were named as “trouble-free” in Chinese. Because the fruit peel contains saponin, it’ s a natural soap that has been used for washing since ancient times.