

學名:Ficus carica L.

英名:Fig、Common Fig


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree or shrub in the genus Ficus, native to the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East. Alternate palmate lobes, with dioecious flowers. Tiny flowers are born inside a cryptic inflorescence which often gives people the wrong perception that the plant doesn’t produce fruits and so called the fig. The fruit is ripe purple or yellow with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. Mainly fruiting in summer, but also fruiting year-round in warmer regions.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable for full-sun and warm environment. Avoid dampness in the roots area. Although slightly drought tolerant, it must be watered to promote growth during the growing season. The big leaves and crisp branches are prone to wind; therefore, the planting site should be sheltered from wind with supportive structure. Cuttings propagation is easy to perform.

應用 Application


It’s an important commercial crop because the ripe fruits are nutritious with soft and sweet taste; can be eaten directly or made into jam and dried fruit. According to archaeological research, fig is one of the earliest plants cultivated by human beings, with a history of more than 6,000 years and significant cultural implication. For example, in the Bible, Eve in Eden eats the fruits of good and evil trees, then she feels naked and picks up fig leaves to cover the lower body.