

學名:Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.

英名:Beach Cabbage、Sea Lettuce、Beach Naupaka

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Scaevola, distributed from the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean to the subtropical regions. The branches are fleshy and soft. Bearing alternative spoon-shaped to obovate leathery leaves, often gather at the ends of the branches. Axillary cymes, fan-shaped corolla has 5 lobes, which are yellowish or light purple and undulate on the margin. White globular drupes are spread by tidal water. Flowering and fruit throughout the year.

栽培 Cultivation


Full-sun and warm environment. It can withstand heat and sun exposure as well as tidal breeze and salt spray. Thought the roots are tolerant to salt and drought, the medium soil must be well drained. Frequent watering is not needed after surviving in open fields. It’s barren-tolerant so doesn’t need fertilizers. Prune weak branches in the crown whenever needed. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


An excellent greening tree because it can withstand strong wind, fix sand in littoral areas; it’s also tolerant to draught, heat and dust pollution in urban areas. Often planted as shrubs or hedges. The flower structure and fruit drifting propagation mechanism are often included in ecological education programs. The fruits and young leaves are edible.