

學名:Bischofia javanica Blume

英名:Bishop Wood


簡介 Description


An evergreen or semi-deciduous tree in the genus Bischofia, distributed from southern and eastern Asia, Oceania to northeastern Australia. The bark is grayish brown to reddish brown. The trunk secretes red sap if injured. Tripinnate compound leaves bearing oval or elliptical, shiny leaflets with serrated margins. Dioecious, axillary panicles. Globular fruits are edible or used for winemaking. Flowering in spring and fruiting in autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant requires full-sun or partly sun warm climate, and also grows well in humid environment as the root is resistant to logged water, suitable for planting in waterside. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. Propagated by seeding.

應用 Application


The tree grows solid branches which can withstand strong wind; the dense crown can provide shades so it’s a great street tree, windbreak or shade tree grown in parks, campus and gardens. The reddish wood is hard in texture and can be used as materials of building, furniture and handicrafts. Young leaves are edible or added in dishes to enrich the flavor of dish, such as smoked chicken.