

學名:Gardenia jasminoides Ellis

英名:Cape Jasmine、Common Gardenia


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or small tree in the genus Gardenia, native to Taiwan and also distributed in South China, the Indochina Peninsula and Japan. Bark grey-white. Leaves opposite, elliptic to obovate-lanceolate, smooth and glabrous on both sides; stipules amplexicaul. Flowers white, big and showy, richly fragrant, terminal or few axillary. Ovate or oval berries with 5 to 8 ribs, persistent sepals crown-shaped, orange or orange-red when mature; seeds numerous, hidden in fleshy placenta.

栽培 Cultivation


It’s suitable to grow in warm environments with full or partial sunlight. The soil is preferably well-drained loam rich in organic matter. Propagated from seeds, cuttings or by layering.

應用 Application


Commonly grown as garden ornament trees, potted flowers and hedges. The dried flowers can be used to make scented tea. The mature fruits can be extracted to produce gardenia yellow pigment which is a natural pigment in food and makeup industry, also a food source of Artipe eryx horiella larvae; the dried fruits have medicinal uses, such as clearing heat and diuretic, relieving heat and fretfulness, cooling blood and detoxifying.