

學名:Scutellaria tashiroi Hayata

英名:Tashiroi Skullcap

簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Scutellaria, native to eastern Taiwan and endemic to Taiwan. It is a successful example of the development of native ornamental plants in recent years. Its stems, leaves, and flowers are hairy. The young stems grow upright initially and droop gradually with time; leaves ovate, opposite, blade about 1-1.5 cm, with sunken veins. Racemes emerging from the axils of branch tip or near the tip; flowers pale blue-purple, long tube-shaped and labiate, the lower lips white. Flowers shaped like ear-dig, about 2-3 cm long. Flowering in spring and summer.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers a full-sun to partial-sun environment, but it’s better moved to a place without direct sun exposure in summer. At the early stage of cultivation, water frequently to keep the soil wet at all times to prevent the old leaves from yellowing and the young leaves from drying out. Apply long-active fertilizers once a season. Propagated from seeds, layering and cuttings.

應用 Application


Select vigorous growers with bright dense foliage, basal leaves, many branches and flower buds and without massively withering problems. It can be grown in hanging baskets to display the exquisite small flowers, or planted as groundcover.