

學名:Lilium formosanum Wallace

英名:Formosa Lily、Taiwanese Lily


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Lilium, native to Taiwan, distributed from the coast to the mountain area at 3000 m above sea level. Underground bulbous oblate to spherical and consist of fleshy scales. Plant height 30-120 cm. Leaves linear lanceolate. Racemes terminal, single or multiple, flowers white and trumpet-shaped, with 6 petals, perianth with purple stripes on the outer ribs. Capsules cylindrical and containing thousands of flat seeds. Flowering from late spring to summer.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in a full-sun and warm to cold environment. It sprouts in spring, flowers in summer, fruits in autumn, the parts above the ground wither and the underground bulbs enter dormancy in winter. Medium with good drainage and rich in organic matter is preferred. Apply long-active compound fertilizers once a season in spring and summer. Cut water use during dormancy in autumn and winter. Avoid pruning the stems after flowering. Propagated from seeds, scale cuttings, and bulb division.

應用 Application


The flowers are often used as materials of cut flowers. The edible bulbs are rich in nutrients; they are harvested in the dormant period and kept in refrigerators for 50 days to convert the starch into sucrose for a desirable sweet taste and mouthfeel.