

學名:Begonia 'Beatrice Haddrell'

英名:Begonia 'Beatrice Haddrell'

簡介 Description

美國秋海棠栽培家 Percy I. Merry女士使用虎斑秋海棠Begonia bowerae與 大苞秋海棠Begonia heracleifolia雜交,於1952年登錄的品種。屬於根莖性秋海棠,地上根莖橫生。掌狀裂葉或深裂成楓葉形,葉色深綠有絨狀質感,葉基及葉脈周圍有淺綠色斑紋。花序直立長伸,花粉紅色。

A hybrid bred from Begonia bowerae and Begonia heracleifolia, by Ms. Percy I. Merry, an American begonia grower, registered in 1952. It’s a rhizomatous begonia with creeping rhizomes. Leaves palmately lobed or deeply lobed, maple-like, dark green and fluffy-textured, leaf base and veins surrounded by pale green markings. Inflorescences erect and elongating, flowers pink.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in warm environments with partial sunlight and thrives vigorously in highly humid conditions. It needs shaded from direct sun in summer and prefers well-drained soils rich in organic matter. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


Begonias are highly valued for their variegated foliage and shapes; some begonias produce considerable flowers with high ornamental value, widely collected by botanical gardens and enthusiasts around the world. The plants of medium and large size are suitable for the use in shade landscape indoors and outdoors; the smaller ones can be grown in individual pots or as material of assorted bonsai.