

學名:Begonia convolvulacea (Klotzsch) A.DC.

英名:Morning-Glory Begonia、Shield Leaf Begonia、 Grape Leaf Begonia

特色簡介 Feature Description


As the Chinese name suggests, Morning-Glory Begonia’s growth pattern and leaf shape is similar to that of Morning Glory. Morning Glory is entwined with tender stems to climb, while Morning Glory Begonias uses aerial roots to attach and climb. Morning-Glory Begonia and the adjacent Beechleaf Begonia are both rare vine species in the begonia family. Among more than 1,800 wild begonias species, less than 10 are trailing. It blooms in summer and autumn, inflorescences are large and white flowers are hung in clusters, which is highly ornamental.

簡介 Description


An evergreen vine in the genus Begonia, native to Brazil. With trailing and scandent succulent stems, prostrate or climbing on supportive objects. Alternate broad ovate leaves, leaf tip 3-lobed or coarsely fissured, leaf margin coarsely toothed or irregularly coarse-toothed, leaf surface greenish gloss. Cymes; flowers white, tiny and dense.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in partial sun and warm environment and thrives vigorously in high humidity. It needs shaded from sun exposure in summer. Well-drained soils rich in organic matter is preferable. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Cutting propagation is used.

應用 Application


With the prostrate and creeping characteristics, the plant is an excellent groundcover or overhanging plant in shady places. They can also be grown in hanging pots to appreciate the green foliage.