

學名:Primula obconica Hance

英名:Top Primrose、German Primrose、Poison Primrose、Libre Primrose


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Primula, native to the mountainous regions in southwestern China. In Taiwan, the plant blooms in winter and spring. Plant height 20-30cm. Leaves round or oval, tufted from the base, petioles long and leaf margin shallowly serrated. Umbels emerged from the base, and the inflorescences slightly higher than the leaf tufts. The full blossom gather and form the shape of hydrangea. Calyx green cup-shaped; petals 5, shallowly lobed. Flowers about 3-5cm across, variegated in shades of white, pink, red, red, orange, and blue. Flowering from winter to spring.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers warm and cool climate as well as humid environment, well-drained and humusy soil. Intolerant to heat and strong sunlight, they are often grown as an annual herb. In temperate regions, it’s cultivated in snow-free areas or in greenhouses. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

應用 Application


Suitable for the use as pot flower and flower bed plant. The whole plant can be used as medicine. The glandular trichomes contain primin; some people develop allergic reactions if touching it. At present, some breeding companies have developed new cultivars without primin.