

學名:Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito

英名:Kawakamii Fir、Taiwan White Fir


簡介 Description


An evergreen coniferous tree in the genus Abies, endemic to Taiwan. Bark gray-brown, often exfoliated in scales. Broad linear flat needles arranged in two rows, apex round and concave; the upper surface is green and shiny while the underside has keel-like protuberances with 2 white stomata and 1 lateral resin groove. Monoecious, male flowers cylindrical, axillary and reddish-brown, and stamens many; female flowers oblong, consisting of many scales. Flowering from May to June. The fruit is an upright cone, oblong-shaped, mature purple-brown. The seeds are also oblong or oval-ovate, with thin wings.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in cold and sunny environment and are only found in alpine regions in Taiwan such as Yushan, Hehuanshan, and Snow Mountain. Reproduced by seeds and cuttings.

應用 Application


The wood is pale yellow and hard to differentiate sapwood and heartwood by color. Prized for the light and soft texture, the wood is a premium building material, also raw material for pulp production. The cones can be used as decorative objects and the trunk has medicinal properties.