

學名:Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don

英名:Pieris、Japanese Andromeda


特色簡介 Feature Description


Pieris is one of the most eye-catching plants in the Taipei Collectible Botanical Garden. The plant contains toxin, even tall horses will get drunk if they accidentally eat the leaves, hence the Chinese name. The ancients collected the leaves, soaked them in water to make simple pesticides to repel insects. When blooming in spring, the white or light pink flowers droop like strings of small bells, very adorable. New red leaves emerging at the turn of spring and summer are also highly ornamental. They can be cultivated as landscape plants in temperate regions or northern and mid-altitude mountainous areas of Taiwan.

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or small tree of the genus Pieris, native to Japan, Taiwan and East China. Leathery leaves lanceolate, alternate, often densely borne on the branch tips. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary; pot-shaped flowers drooping, white or pale pink. Capsule oblate. Flowering in spring.

栽培 Cultivation


It prefers full sun or partial sun environment. Avoid growing the plant in the locations with direct sun light; water in a timely manner in the summer heat. Apply Long-active fertilizer once in spring and autumn, and cut off residual flowers to avoid loss of nutrients. Propagated by cuttings or aerial layering.

應用 Application


The hardy plant is poisonous, less susceptible to diseases and valued for the lovely flowers and new leaves. Thanks to the dense crown and high germination rate, this plant is often used as hedges or trimmed into topiary shrubs. The blades had been used as pesticides since ancient times to kill small pests such as aphids and red spiders.