

學名:Rhododendron × hybrid



特色簡介 Feature Description


"Zhi-zhu”, meaning hesitation, is the earliest name of rhododendron in China, which was inspired from the appearance a sheep becomes drunk and staggering after accidentally eating the poisonous plant. It is also known as bog-rosemary in horticulture. The original species grows in mountains at an altitude of 2,000 to 4,500 meters on the Qingkang Tibetan Plateau. Many variegated cultivars have been developed in Europe, such as those with bell-shaped flowers, variegated in purple-red, white and yellow colors. Flowering period from March to May, when they fully bloom, many flowers clustered like ball bouquet. The large, smooth, thick and hard leaves, make this plant very distinctive from the common azaleas.

簡介 Description

杜鵑屬常綠灌木或喬木,園藝雜交種。樹冠豐滿,株型緊湊。橢圓形或披針形葉互生,常密集著生於枝條頂端,革質有光澤;葉背顏色稍淺,密被茸毛。總狀繖形花序頂生,常數朵聚生於枝梢;花朵鐘狀,單瓣或重瓣;花色豐富,有紫紅、紅、粉紅、橙紅、桃紅、紫藍、白、黃等多種顏色。花期3 ~5月。

A Rhododendron hybrid cultivar, evergreen shrub or tree, the crown is dense and compact. Leaves oval or lanceolate, alternate, often densely grown at branch tips, leathery and glossy; leaf underside slightly lighter in color and densely fluffy. Racemes umbrella-shaped inflorescences terminal, often a handful clustered at branch tips; flowers with single or double petals; rich in colors ranging from fuchsia, red, pink, orange red, peach, purple blue, white, and yellow. Flowering from March to May.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant is native to temperate or subtropical alpine regions, and grows well in cool, humid, full sun or partial sun environment. This winter-hardy plant grows best between temperature 15-25℃; the heat will inhibit the growth if over 30℃, and cause heat damage if over 35℃. The plant is not drought-tolerant, avoid heat, direct sun exposure and water logging in the medium because the plant prefers loose, breathable, humusy, well-drained and slightly acidic sandy soil. Mainly propagated by cutting.

應用 Application


Flowers showy, the plants are imported as potted floral ornamentals during year-end holidays. Lowland cultivation is very challenging because the plant doesn’t respond well to heat. Suitable for the use as a featured plant in garden or as hedge in alpine areas.