

學名:Parodia magnifica (F. Ritter) F.H. Brandt

英名:Balloon cactus、Green Ball Cactus、Blue Ball Cactus

簡介 Description


A perennial evergreen succulent of the genus Parodia, native to Brazil and Argentina. The stem is round or cylindrical, up to 30 cm high, 7 to 15 cm in diameter, with a blue-green outer skin and 11 to 15 ridges. White or light yellow areoles are densely arrayed on the ridges; radial spines are hairy and yellow-white in a group of 12-15; 8-12brown-needled centrals.Yellow flowers, 4.5 - 5.5cm in diameter. Fruits are white to pink and covered with white to brown hairs.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well with full sunlight and good ventilation. Sufficient sun exposure can promote flowering, however,exposure in high summer may cause sunburn. Plant in draining, breathable and slightly acid soil to avoid root rotting and replace the soil every other year. It’s highly cold-tolerant and can be planted under a rainproof shed in frost-free places.

應用 Application


The eye-catching blue-green skin as well as the arrayed ridges make the whole plant look like a crown. A common cactus in cultivation because it’s easy to bloom and highly ornamental. Suitable for single or clustered plantation, often showcased as potted plant or in desert like landscaping.