

學名:Prunus campanulata Maxim.

英名:Taiwan Cherry、Formosan Cherry、Bellflower Cherry


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Prunus, native to Taiwan. Bark brown and shiny, leaves alternate ovate to oblong and double-serrated margin. Glands on the petiole secrete liquid to attract ants. Flowers tufted or umbel-like, campanulate and drooping, colored pink to magenta. Drupe oval. Flowering from January to February, and fruiting in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitable to grow in full sun and cold environment; full sun exposure can boost flowering. Avoid waterlogging in the root system; make sure the planting hole is large enough and filled with loose soils. Hard pruning is not advised because the wound heals slowly. Crown reduction trimming is also not advised as it may accidentally cut off flower buds borne on the branches. Reproduced by seeds and grafting.

應用 Application


The plant grows well in the areas which are mild in summer, commonly planted on sidewalks or in courtyard. The flowers and fruits can attract a variety of birds to eat, which is of great ecological conservation significance.