

學名:Aucuba japonica Thunb.

英名:Spotted Laurel、Japanese Laurel、Japanese Aucuba、Gold Dust Plant


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Aucuba, native to East China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. Limb erect; leaves opposite, elliptic and leathery, margin sparsely serrated. Cultivars are mostly variegated leaves mottled with yellow. Four purplish red petals, red fruits oval. Flowering in spring and fruiting from winter to spring.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in partial sun and warm environment and thrives best in high humidity. As the plant is not tolerant to strong sun exposure nor drought, proper water use in summer is critical. Soils with good water retention capacity are preferred. Apply long-active compound fertilizer once a season from spring to autumn. Trim off excessive branches and water sprouts whenever necessary. Propagated by cuttings or seeds.

應用 Application


The shade-tolerant plant is commonly planted in atriums or side yards of buildings lacking of natural light. The variegated cultivars with bright color are highly ornamental even if they are planted in the shade. The colorful fruits can attract fruit-eating birds.