

學名:Quercus variabilis Blume

英名:Chinese Cork Oak、Cork Oak


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Quercus, endemic to Taiwan. Bark gray and white, prominently cracked; twigs elongated, with yellow or yellow-brown trichomes when young, and turning smooth and glabrous with age. Leaves ovate, oblong, oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, leathery or thin leathery, awnlike serrations on the margin, smooth and glabrous on the upper surface, and covered with yellow pilose and white powder beneath when young. Male catkins mostly axillary at the branch tips, and the female inflorescences bear 6 to 7 flowers; flowering from April to June. Acorn oval, apex round, hilum protruded, base truncated; cupule cup-shaped and covering a half of the acorn, irregularly edged, fluffy. Fruiting from September to October of the following year.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers strong direct sun and well-drained soils rich in organic matters. Reproduced by seeds.

應用 Application


It can be used as garden landscape tree. An important food supply for a variety of butterflies. The hard wood is commonly used in load-bearing structure and making agricultural tools. The fruits can be used as decorative objects.