

學名:Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. 'Goldcrest'

英名:Monterey Cypress 'Goldcrest'、Lemon Cypress 'Goldcrest'


簡介 Description


The Cupressus evergreen tree is a cultivar of Cupressus macrocarpa originally from North American. Tree shaped triangular cone. Leaves lanceolate and scale-like; needles mostly occurred on saplings and suckers. Saplings with needles are generally sold in the market; leaves fragrant. Dioecious, flowers blooming at branch tips. Male strobili brown, female strobili green; cultivars rarely flowering.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant is fond of full sun and warm to cool environment, susceptible to weakening and disease if lacking of sun light. Not tolerant to drought, water use is particularly important in summer. Use well-drained soil, and apply long-active compound fertilizer once a season. Cut off water sprouts frequently to maintain the desirable tree shape. Propagated by cuttings and aerial layering.

應用 Application


Suitable for single planting or row planting. Advised to plant on the east side of buildings or places away from harsh sun exposure. The branches and leaves have a fresh lemon-like scent when crushed. However, the plant is slightly poisonous, it’s for smelling and not edible.