

學名:Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.

英名:London Plane、London Planetree、Hybrid Plane


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Platanus. It’s a hybrid of Platanus orientalis from Europe and Platanus occidentalis from North America. Bark smooth and exfoliating in flakes. Branchlets coated with yellow-brown fluff; old branches smooth and reddish-brown. Leaves large, broadly ovate, with coarsely marginal teeth. Flowers small, monoecious, forming spherical heads. Flowering in May. The fruits usually comprise a spherical infructescence on branches, usually two and often drooping, fruiting from September to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant likes direct and strong sunlight, warm and humid climate, and grows and spreads fast. Tolerant to drought, barren, and humidity but not to shade. It can adapt a variety of soils with good drainage and rich organic matter. Seed or cutting propagation.

應用 Application


The plant is commonly grown as courtyard landscape tree and street tree. Resistant to fume, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases. The fresh leaves have high nutritional content, they can be used as roughage for livestock; the wood chips can be used as a culture medium to grow mushroom.